Pathway Themes

Create Your Path

Getting Started

所有在2022年秋季入学的JSU学生都必须选择一个Pathway主题. 途径选择必须在大一春季学期之前进行. 转学生应该在JSU的第一学期选择他们的衔接课程. 在春季学期的指导会议上选择一个方向是理想的.

To select a pathway, you will need to:

  • Explore the 8 Pathway themes options
  • Review your major's degree map
  • 与你专业的学术顾问或教员进行一次对话
  • 确定你想要获得的技能,以加强你的专业课程
  • 根据你的技能和兴趣选择一个路径主题

Pathway Themes

通识教育途径(PATH)课程是通过跨学科主题连接的课程,由学生自行选择,以完成通识教育课程. 通过体验式学习和反思性写作, 学生将有机会跨课程整合知识, 发展他们的技能和增强公民责任感. 学生从选择的途径中选择九(9)小时.  每个途径都包括一(1)学分的大学必修课程. ​


Data & Information Literacy


This pathway provides students with:

  • abilities in finding, reading, 理解、分析和沟通数据.
  • skills to interact with data and find meaning in information, interpret information, 评估数据和信息的可信度和准确性,  use data to guide decisions, 并以口头和书面的方式交流数据和信息.
  • 介绍与数据和信息素养相关的道德原则.
Data & Information Literacy Pathway Course Options


语篇途径向本科生介绍口语, written, nonverbal, 言语话语以及它们在不同语境中的作用.

This pathway provides students with:

  • 探讨沟通和语言在生活中的作用,  society, and the professional world. 
  • 有机会反思沟通,批判性地审视自己的演讲经历, language, and communication. 
  • an awareness of how their culture, ethnicity, social and educational backgrounds, as well as their values and beliefs, 塑造他们使用语言和非语言的方式,并对他人的语言使用做出反应.
Discourse Pathway Course Options

Environment, Conservation & Sustainability

The Environment, Conservation, 可持续发展途径向本科生介绍环境系统之间的交集, conservation, and sustainability.

This pathway provides students with:

  • 基本的环境和可持续发展概念 
  • insight on conserving and sustaining the environment
  • 探索技术和创新在环境保护中的作用, conservation of resources, development of communities, and climate control. 
  • connections between environmental protection, sustainability, community development and climate control.

Financial Literacy


This pathway provides students with:

  • 金融概念,如储蓄、投资和债务. 
  • 学习金融基本原理的机会, economics, accounting, and stock market investing. 
  • 探讨与贫困、不平等和其他与金融相关的社会问题有关的主题.
  • 了解财务健康的重要性和导致财务健康的因素.
Financial Literacy Pathway Course Options


全球路径向本科生介绍不同的文化, geographies, language, histories, arts, and current issues of the world.

This pathway provides students with:

  • 全球考虑,以提高个人,学术和专业发展.
  • an appreciation of cultural diversity, differences, 而人权需要全球思维的发展.
  • 培养对不同文化和信仰的认识和尊重的指南. 
Global Pathway Course Options


正义之路向本科生介绍正义,将其作为一条纽带,将公平的各个组成部分联系在一起, advocacy, distribution of resources and opportunities.

This pathway provides students with:

  • 将司法视为通向教育和卫生公平的桥梁的指南, social justice advocacy, small business resources, scientific and technological innovation, 以及对政策和创造性艺术的批判性参与.
  • opportunities to promote justice, explore multiple perspectives, 并使用合作的方法来吸引学生进行批判性思考, communicate effectively, utilize diplomacy, and consider impact across race, gender, ability, faith, and socio-economic class. 
Justice Pathway Course Options


领导力课程介绍本科生 to concepts of communication, organization, 操作和权力动态,提高人际交往能力.

This pathway provides students with:

  • 可在学术、社会和公民责任之间转换的技能
  • confidence when working with others, 参与体验式学习机会,把握有影响力的时刻, negotiation, and management
  • 建立有意义的关系、制定战略和适应变化的能力..
Leadership Pathway Course Options

Physical, Mental & Public Health

The Physical, Mental, 公共卫生途径向本科生介绍物理, mental, and public health. 

This pathway provides students with

  • 这三个健康领域的基础知识.
  • 介绍健康的各个领域和与个人健康有关的主题, communities, and populations.
  • 有机会深入了解造成本区域健康差异的因素, the nation, and the world. 