


The 心理学系 at 大阳城集团99aa is a unit of the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences in the 文理学院



大阳城集团99aa的社区卫生计划(共和人民党)于1992年由Dr. 珍妮特圣. 不久,他就成为了艾滋病/性病预防Research领域的全国领军人物.  住在心理学系, 卫生防护中心的使命是通过开展Research来帮助消除卫生差距, 为博士Research生提供培训机会.D. 以及本科心理学课程, 并提供服务,以满足社区中服务不足人群的需求.

Over the years, 共和人民党 functioned primarily as a research unit within the depart男人t of psychology.  The 共和人民党 conducted HIV/STD and drug/alcohol prevention research and services for underserved populations including: inner city African American adolescents, 拘留中心的青少年, 低收入妇女, 被监禁的男女, 男人, wo男人 and adolescents in substance abuse treat男人t facilities and minority college and university students. 我们的Research得到了一系列联邦(NIDA), 美国儿童健康与人类发展Research所, NIMH, 疾病预防控制中心, OHAP) and state (Mississippi State Depart男人t of Health and Mississippi Depart男人t of 安全) funded grants.

The 共和人民党 also served and continues to serve as a training site for both graduate and undergraduate students who are interested in health behavior research and service. 学生们靠助学金工作, 学会实施基于证据的干预措施, 访问和使用现有的数据库进行自己的Research, 开展外展活动和教育演讲. 到目前为止, three dissertations and four second year papers have been completed using data from 共和人民党 databases.

Funded grants have allowed 共和人民党 to provide free services for students at JSU and the surrounding community.  热电联产通过其S项目.A.F.E. 艾滋病毒检测计划, 目前为学生提供免费艾滋病毒检测, 教师, 员工与社会.  项目的年代.A.F.E. 从疾病控制和预防中心的资助开始. 共和人民党 began the first violence prevention program on the campus of JSU with a grant from the Depart男人t of 安全. Most recently, 共和人民党 expanded its services to include peer led HIV prevention educational sessions. 我们的同伴健康教育项目主要由JSU的本科生负责. 学生们在教室里进行艾滋病预防教育讲座, 宿舍, 以及校园论坛. They also conduct outreach events and sponsor activities during the national HIV observance days. 同伴健康教育者越来越受欢迎. 他们被邀请到当地教堂作演讲, 社区组织和全国有色人种协进会年度州大会. The peer education program originally began with a grant from the Office of HIV/AIDS prevention in 2011.

今年, 共和人民党 was given an opportunity to expand its services to address the needs of students who self-identify as LGBTQ through a $45,由ViiV Healthcare的ACCELERATE计划资助的5,000美元赠款. This project (MAC倡议) will address issues of stigma and promote empower男人t among African American male college students at JSU who self-identify as 男人 who have sex with 男人.


By the time JSU officially gained university status from Mississippi’s state legislature in 1979, the 心理学系’s primary focus on research made its move to the School of Liberal Arts a natural transition. 然后,博士. 珍妮特圣. 劳伦斯, 他是JSU的教员和临床心理学家, began to investigate HIV and STD issues in vulnerable populations during the advent of the AIDS epidemic. 和那些正在接受药物治疗的人一起工作, 与监禁抗争的人们, 或者其他高危人群, 社区卫生计划(共和人民党)的起源. This program became the foremost research division within the Psychology Depart男人t and works to provide community service while training students and conducting original studies, 引起了全国的关注. 此外,在此期间,博士. 辛西娅·福特设计了一门课程,从非洲中心的角度教授心理学. This type of enhance男人t to the curriculum highlights JSU’s focus on both cultural and individual diversity and remains a popular elective in the discipline.

学习 BY

The mission of the Undergraduate Major in the Psychology Depart男人t is to expose students to the breadth and depths of the various fields of psychology. Students are encouraged and taught to think critically about psychological issues and to understand the value of empirical investigation. The depart男人t seeks to foster each student’s appreciation for the field of psychology and its applications to individual and social problems. 该部门致力于高标准的原创调查和个人成长. Students are taught that sound research and scholarship serve to expand knowledge and improve the quality of peoples’ lives. Our program provides students with the education needed to enter a variety of careers or to pursue graduate work in psychology or related fields.



经过多年为本科生攻读高级Research学位做准备, JSU开始制定自己的Research生学习计划. Spearheading this move男人t was a working group whose goal was to design a program in clinical psychology that would provide multicultural training. The idea behind such multiculturalism is that the most effective clinical psychologists are those who have separated themselves from their personal biases and that this can only occur through in depth understanding of other cultures. 1995年,该项目启动了一个由五名学生组成的特许班级. APA accreditation then followed in 2001, and the first dissertation defense occurred in 2002. The concept of multicultural training remains a primary mission and requires the program actively to support those from diverse ethnic and racial backgrounds while ensuring that even the most traditional of graduate students becomes immersed in as many different environ男人ts as possible. 这是通过实践最直接实现的, 校外实习期, and field research experience with underserved people; in the area of Jackson, 这通常是指农村和非洲裔美国人.

职业生涯 机会


精神病学家 产业与组织心理学家 神经心理学家 临床心理学家
工程心理学家 咨询心理学家 法医心理学家 学校心理学家
  矫正的心理学家 运动心理学家  



欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-2371与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



1325 J. R. 林奇街
P.O. 17550箱
杰克逊,MS 39217-0350


(601) 979-2371
