
The Oral History Division’s mission is to supplement written records by recording and storing the accounts of African American community members and cultural leaders. 该部门位于艾耶大厅的三楼. 有关口述历史如何在中心进行的更多信息,您可以参考 MWC口述历史手册 和/或联系:

Ms. 艾丽莎·雷·芬德伯克,马萨诸塞州
Andrew W. 梅隆基金会口述历史学家
Email: alissa.funderburk@9-999.net
Phone: 601.979.3144


始于2021年秋季, this oral history collection explores the work of leaders in the field of Black Museums who have been members of the Board of Directors of the Association of African American Museums (AAAM). 这些领导者在该领域扮演着各种各样的角色,并以无数的方式进入工作. 这些口述历史考察了他们的个人和职业背景, 是什么让他们去博物馆工作的, 他们每天都在做什么, 他们与AAAM的关系, 在这个领域对他们影响最大的人, 他们对黑人博物馆未来的设想, 以及对想进入这一领域的人的建议.

Finding Aid
来自于1994年与杜克大学的合作, this project focuses on documenting African American experiences during the era of Jim Crow segregation and disfranchisement in Mississippi and the South. 更大的项目可以通过 Duke University 数字集合.

Finding Aid
This project collects opinions about the social impact of activities and various programs such as money collection, meetings, 以及教会对全国有色人种协进会等组织的支持,以促进种族融合.

Finding Aid
This project seeks to interview persons in the local community who had in-depth knowledge about student life, experiences, incidents, 校园内外的事件影响了首都的教育, 尤其是在史密斯·罗伯逊学校, 拉尼尔高中, 坎贝尔大学, Tougaloo大学, 和大阳城集团99aa.

Finding Aid
这个项目涉及历史, causes, 克林顿快速增长的演变及其对经济的影响, education, politics, population, 以及当地的社区关系.

作为密西西比艺术委员会项目的一部分, 密西西比州的民间生活和民权运动, Dr. Robert Luckett, 玛格丽特·沃克中心主任,大阳城集团99aa历史学教授, 采访艺术家, activist, and scholar Dr. 多丽丝·德比(1939-2022). You can find Dr. 多丽丝·德比:一个活动家和艺术家的一生 在密西西比民间生活和民权运动网站上.

Dr. Doris A. 德比是一名活动家, photographer, educator, and scholar, 他花了十年时间在密西西比州的民权运动中. Her life and career are reflections of her commitment to the arts as a means of uplift for African Americans. 参与基层, 自底向上的方法, 德比利用文化遗产来解决她所服务的每个社区的问题和问题, 这一策略和哲学成为活动家和现代运动的名片.

Dr. 多丽丝·德比口述历史第一部分

Dr. 多丽丝·德比口述历史第二部分

Finding Aid
这个项目记录了历史, 生活条件, relationships, churches, schools, centers, 以及其他在杰克逊法里什街历史街区的活动和机构.

Finding Aid
对5月14日至15日的悲剧事件表示敬意, 1970, the Gibbs-Green 50th Commemoration called for an oral history project to record the recollections of alumni, 以前的学生, and faculty directly affected by the deadly shooting on the Jackson College campus carried out by Jackson City Police and Mississippi Highway patrolmen. This project aims to set the record straight on what happened that night and how it impacted the lives of those interviewed.


黄金海岸口述历史收藏目前包括一份与Mrs. Billie O. Stamps Fuller, 邮票旅馆老板的遗孀, 位于杰克逊郊外的黄金海岸, 黑人名人参观和表演的地方. 斯坦普斯旅馆的一些客人包括艾灵顿公爵, Cab Calloway, Count Basie, 路易斯·阿姆斯特朗, 迪兹·吉莱斯皮, Little Richard, Billie Holiday, Howlin’ Wolf, Lena Horne, Ray Charles, Muddy Waters, Ella Fitzgerald, Fats Domino, Satchel Page, 和杰基·罗宾逊. 这次采访是由Dr. Robert Luckett, 玛格丽特·沃克中心主任,大阳城集团99aa历史学副教授. (视频在前两分钟被损坏,但在那之后就清晰了.)

Finding Aid
这个项目是老年人谈论他们生活的“美好时光”的回忆, times, achievements, 以及从童年早期到人生各个阶段的挑战.

Finding Aid
本作品集记录了启智计划的起源和运作, 尤其是在正式和非正式的学前教育方面, 教育及其他服务, 院校及课程, and an assessment of its impact on the mobilization of the Black community in Mississippi to control its destiny economically and politically.

This project,与91人合作.WYSO和梅隆基金会的资金支持, works with HBCU radio stations and their campus communities to develop a collection of reformatted historical HBCU radio material along with an oral history collection that preserves and honors the rich cultural resource that is HBCU radio, historically, in the present, and beyond. 第一次采访的集合与 David C. Linton can be viewed here.


Finding Aid
This project collects narratives and documents the lived spaces of individuals and communities that have experienced, 正经历着, 或者正在努力缓解密西西比州的住房不安全和驱逐问题.It narrates the history of housing insecurity in our state and exposes historic and contemporary issues that lead to the lack of access to a basic human right–an adequate and secure place to live.

西尔维娜·洛佩斯·巴雷拉和卡特琳娜·马拉亚, 建筑学院的助理教授, 密西西比州立大学与社区成员合作指导了这个项目, 斯塔克维尔的地方和州组织, Columbus, and Jackson, Mississippi. Oral histories and architectural documentation were collected and produced by their architecture students after having received interview training from Mellon funded 玛格丽特·沃克中心 Oral Historian, 艾丽莎·雷·芬德伯克. This project, 包括第二轮融资, 得到了密西西比人文委员会的资助, 得到了国家人文基金会的支持.

Finding Aid
2012-2013学年开始, 这个项目记录了大阳城集团99aa的历史.  通过与“JSU传奇人物”(如前校长John A. Peoples, 该项目着眼于这些人的生活和时代,以及他们如何与大阳城集团99aa联系在一起.

Finding Aid
This collection currently consists of 54 interviews that detail the influence of the labor movement on civil rights. 它考察了教育的相互影响, employment, professionals, 专业和学术组织, 以及杰克逊社会变革的制度, Mississippi.

密西西比布鲁斯音乐口述历史项目考察了该州布鲁斯音乐的丰富遗产. 莎拉·沃特斯是JSU的一名学生, this collection illustrates both the lives of blues musicians and the influence of their music on the culture of Mississippi.

Finding Aid
The 68 oral histories in this collection about one of three historically Black boarding schools left in the United States include an interview with the school founder, Dr. Laurence C. Jones, 报道的主题包括农民会议, 社区博览会, superstitions, integration, 种族间和种族内歧视, 工作活动, 宗教教育, 以及诸如“节奏之光”之类的辅助筹款团体, 节奏乐队的甜心, choirs, 还有棒球队. 这个作品集是“黑人学校社区关系案例研究”的一部分,” which in turn was part of a larger project entitled “A Folk Community School with Oral Reminiscences.最终出版了 《派尼伍德学校:口述历史 by Dr. 1982年的aldteen Harrison.

Finding Aid
This collection explores what it means to both be raised and raise children in the neighborhoods served by Operation Shoestring, 提供全年学术服务的非营利组织, 为杰克逊市中心从幼儿园到七年级的孩子提供社会和情感支持, 同时为他们的家庭提供支持和资源. 访谈由志愿社区成员和他们的家庭成员进行, friends, and neighbors through a project led by Operation Shoestring’s Research and Data Coordinator Alison Turner. 

罗伯特·克拉克时代项目(1974- 83,2006)
Finding Aid
这本书集中介绍了罗伯特·克拉克的生活和事业, 20世纪密西西比政治中最有影响力的非裔美国政治家之一, the first African American elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives since Reconstruction in 1967, 以及长期担任众议院临时议长. 还有对克拉克本人和他身边的人的采访, 收藏品中有论文。, documents, 以及活动项目.

THE R.O.O.T.S. 向日葵县
Finding Aid
The R.O.O.T.S. (通过故事找回我们的起源)项目是 向日葵县系统改变项目 (SCSCP),它解决了对有色人种年轻男性和男孩的负面看法和叙述. This oral history journey was undertaken by 19 young men from Sunflower County who set out to change the negative perceptions about young black men in their community.

与SCSCP和 Story for All, 一个来自奥克兰的非营利组织, California, 这些年轻人收集故事, wisdom, and data from their Mississippi Delta community to impact change and to inform the work of disrupting the school-to-prison pipeline. 他们收集故事和分享声音的旅程, hope, and commitment to their community has also been curated into a traveling multimedia exhibit that tells the broader story of the policies and practices that disproportionately affect Young Men and Boys of Color (YMBOC) in the Delta and across the country.

了解更多关于ROOTS的旅程 看和听采访 由青年指挥.

创建这个项目是为了捕获, 保存和展示杰克逊黑人LGBTQ社区的故事. 由密西西比LGBTQ基金资助, 第一轮面试由MWC本科生实习生进行, Destiny Sears, 她最近刚从JSU毕业. Ms. 西尔斯记录了四位志愿解说员的故事: Aaron Walker, Donovan Morton, Germany Tate, and Joshua Knight. The second round of interviews were recorded virtually through a Columbia University Oral History Master’s Program internship by Leah Pennington with Destiny Sears 及达瑞斯·尼尔森(part 1 and part 2). 这些采访都在提醒我们,每个人都值得骄傲地分享他们的故事. 您可以观看展览视频 here.

Finding Aid
这是一本关于美国南部不平等和治安的合集, focuses on the intersection of police work and African American identity for the first generation of Black law enforcement officers in Mississippi after the end of Jim Crow segregation.  由德克萨斯州立大学历史学助理教授主持. Justin M. Randolph, these interviews shed light on the experiences of these Black police officers over the course of their careers.  

勇敢的妇女/妇女问题(1975- 1997)
Finding Aid
这本合集关注的是黑人教会妇女如何团结起来, 黑人女性是如何在杰克逊争取工作的, 以及黑人女性如何组织其他社会活动, political, 以及经济活动. 它讲述的是一个女人的成长, 机遇与挑战, 女性对美国事件和问题的看法, 以及勇敢杰出的女性所取得的成就.

Ayer Hall
1400 J.R. Lynch Street
P.O. Box 17008
杰克逊,MS 39217



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