


"An Urban 研究 University - A Global Vision"

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)

The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) mission is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries by means of 教育al and cultural exchange that assist in the development of peaceful relations. 了解更多有关ECA的资料 点击这里.


美国全球关系 is a nonprofit membership association that includes individuals, 项目机构, and 94 community organizations (CIVs) throughout the United States. NCIV members design and implement professional programs, 提供文化活动, and offer home hospitality opportunities for foreign leaders, 专家, 和学者参加了美国.S. Department of State 国际 访问or 领导 Program (IVLP) and other exchange programs. 了解更多关于NCIV的信息 点击这里.

Mississippi Consortium of 国际 Development

The Mississippi Consortium of 国际 Development is one of several nonprofit, National Program Agencies (NPAs) based in Washington, DC that administers the 国际 访问or 领导 Program.  这个项目, designed to enhance mutual understanding through professional and cultural exchange, 带来大约5个,000 current and emerging leaders in government, 政治, 公民社会, 业务, 媒体, 教育, 艺术, 和其他领域的美国.S. 每年.  请到华盛顿参观 点击这里.


富士重工360年 is dedicated to improving lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions for human development. 一起资助者, 捐助者和合作伙伴, FHI focuses on addressing the interrelated challenges of human development. 请访问FHI360网站 点击这里.

国际 Institute at the 研究生 School

The 国际 Institute at the 研究生 School designs and administers exchange programs for U.S. 政府机构, 外国政府, international and non-governmental organizations and groups. The goal is to offer participants the opportunity to interact and share best practices with their counterparts. 请访问本网站 点击这里.


An independent not-for-profit founded in 1919, IIE is among the world’s largest and most experienced international 教育 and training organizations. IIE is committed to delivering program excellence to a diverse range of participants, 赞助商, 和捐助者. 请访问本网站 点击这里.


Meridian has been advancing the United States’ public and cultural diplomacy efforts since 1960. Tens of thousands of international leaders have participated in exchange programs designed to increase their understanding of the United States and the American people.

领导交流 Meridian是美国的主要管理者.S. Department of State’s premier professional exchange operation—the 国际 访问or 领导 Program (IVLP) — and creates custom programs for other U.S. 政府机构, as well as public and private sector organizations.

文化展览 Meridian’s Art for Cultural Diplomacy program creates opportunities for Washington, DC, national and international audiences to learn about other cultures through the eyes of visual and performing artists. Our exhibitions have traveled to 50 countries and 320 cities in 44 U.S. 州. To visit 子午线国际中心, please 点击这里.


菲尔普斯斯托克斯基金 is America’s oldest continuously-operating foundation serving the needs of African-Americans, 印第安人, 非洲人, 以及农村和城市贫困人口.  Phelps Stokes played major roles in the creation of Howard University, Clark Atlanta University and Fisk University as Centers for Excellence in the 教育 of blacks. 请参观档案馆 点击这里.


世界上学习 is a non-profit organization with operations in 77 countries committed to fostering global citizenship and addressing some of the most pressing global issues of our times. 世界上学习’s works every day to prepare people with the skill sets and mindsets to be effective global citizens and leaders of change in and beyond their own communities. 请访问世界学习 点击这里.


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